Monday, January 2, 2012

Mission Report: US Navy Operation Desert Storm Veteran Brian Schlomann, 39, Butterfield, MN 12-31-11

Twenty four MN PG members from multiple sectors answered the call to stand with Honor, Dignity and Respect for US Navy Veteran Brian Schlomann at the First Lutheran Church in Butterfield, MN on 12-31-11. The turnout was excellent and we were heartfully thanked by the Schlomann family upon their arrival as they saw all of the flags and PGR members lining the sidewalks in front of the church. We established our flag line prior to the visitation and stood a silent vigil as friends and family continued to arrive at the church until the sanctuary was overflowing. The outpouring of support for the family was very moving as so many came to remember a young husband and father who left us way too soon.

During the service, we fell out with most of our members proceeding to the small cemetery south of town where Brian would be laid to rest with full military honors. Seven members remained at the church to form a flag line as the casket was placed into the hearse and then departed ahead of the procession to join the other members at the cemetery. A chilly, brisk wind blew across the cemetery as we continued to stand in honor of this veteran and in support of his family. The final words were spoken and the Honor Guard performed a 21 gun salute followed by the sound of taps drifting across the cemetery grounds. After the last members of the funeral party had departed, we broke down our flag line and bade each other farewell as we returned to our homes keeping the Schlomann family in our thoughts and prayers.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend this mission and also all who will continue to remember US Navy Veteran Brian Schlomann and his family in the days and years ahead.

Below is a link to some photos contributed by MN PG members Dale Claussen and Shirley Ethen:

Respectfully submitted,
Paul Ramsbey
Worthington Sector Ride Captain